Dec 14, 2021


Hello, Vex Buddies! It’s #EduVEXtion time!

“NFT is a game-changer,” — Mark Cuban, US entrepreneur, blockchain investor and observer. With NFT, all tagged properties can be freely traded with adjusted values ​​based on age, rarity, liquidity, and more. This can drive the prosperity of the decentralized application (DApp) market. NFT can be used to create verifiable digital ownership; authenticity, traceability, and security. Applications of NFT can be found or utilized in the sectors, 1) Digital Artwork, 2) Digital Collections, 3) Online Games, 4) Patents and Intellectual Property, and 5) Real Estate. Rivernity is the first decentralized community-owned NFT local marketplace based on the Vexanium blockchain. There you can sell, buy and also auction your NFT products! Also, for collectible items, Kolektibel is here to provide your desire of collecting your favorite idol momento!

#nft #marketplace #blockchain #vexanium


